This plugin is an add-on of LandClaimer.
This plugin require LandClaimer
Each time you gather in the a not owned land, you won loyalty points, at a certain amount of point (defined in the config file, you gain level.
Each level give you a bonus on a skill, that you have choose from the list:
Syntax: /skillloyalty <crafting|farming|quarrying|hunting|wood|smelting>
When you kill someone from a claimed zone, you loose points.
If you take bounty and kill the personn, you win points from every clans affected by the bounty:
If player A, killed member of ClanA, ClanB, ClanC, You can take a bounty on him from the bounty list (command: /loyalty)
Once you get the bounty activated, you can now kill Player A and you will win points against Clan A, Cland B and Clan C.
Syntax: /skillloyalty <crafting|farming|quarrying|hunting|wood|smelting>
admin –
Version 1.0.5:
Fixed NPC method that doesn’t exist anymore
admin –
Version 1.0.4:
-Fixed loading error with last clans version
admin –
Version 1.0.4:
Added command => /loyalty (display an UI)
admin –
Version 1.0.0:
-Original release