This plugin require Kits to work.
This plugin don’t have any config, it’s all based on data file.
This video isn’t from me but, the plugin work like the video.
Commands list:
/arena <kit|kill|draw|limit|leave|lobby|teama|teamb|remove|list>
/arena kit <add|remove> <kitname> <ArenaID> (add kit for the given arena ID)
/arena draw <ArenaID> (allow you to draw a temporary zone for the given arena ID)
/arena leave <ArenaID> (set the leave portal for the given arena ID)
/arena lobby <entrance|exit> <ArenaID> (set the entrance and exit point for the given arena ID)
/arena limit <1|2> <ArenaID> (set limit to the arena point 1 and point 2 must be oponent)
/arena kill <amount> <ArenaID> (set kills limit for the given arena ID)
/arena teama <entrance|exit> <ArenaID> (set entrance or exit for the given ID and teamA)
/arena teamb <entrance|exit> <ArenaID> (set entrance or exit for the given ID and teamB)
/arena remove <ArenaID> (remove an arena)
/arena save (save data to data file)
admin –
Version 1.0.5:
-Fixed UI and teleporter that was not working without a plugin reload.
admin –
Version 1.0.3
-Fixed button not being displayed
admin –
Version 1.0.2
-Attempt to fix start button and leave button