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-Rewritten coordination of the plugin, you should wipe everything before update to version 1.3.0

To the original request, the plugin allows the clan owner to claim land over the map, the claimed land is decaying depending on the config file and amount of claimed area. By default, you cannot damage a building until you are declaring war on the desired clan. Admin can define badlands and safelands over the map but cannot add any claimed land to any clan (avoid abuse).

-You can claim land over the map
-You use truepve in addition
-You can change the claim cost and upkeep cost
-You can set up the default flag of ZoneManager in the config
-You can change the text in the bottom left UI
-You can manage the decay delay from config
-You can set up the available color in the config list
-You can set up the max tax rate in the config
-You can change bonus/malus percent in the config
-You can change if a clan lost a land while destroying tc or not
-You can control who can claim/give/remove and change tax over the config
-Gathering get taxed all over claimed land except if tax is set to 0
-You can set up some safeland and badland that can’t get claimed by clans
-safeland get taxed on gather as badland got a bonus
The plugin is dependent on ZoneManager, ImageLibrary, and Clans.


  "Claim": {
    "Claim cost": "5,10,25,50",
    "ForceCollapse": false,
    "Upkeep cost": "10,15,25,35,50,65,75,90,105,130,145,175,190,210,230,250,275,300,320,345,380,410"
  "Control": {
    "Allow All Member To Change Tax": false,
    "Allow All Member To Claim": false,
    "Allow All Member To Give": false,
    "Allow All Member To Remove": false
  "General": {
    "Badlands bonus (in percent)": 70,
    "Color List": "#20b2aa,#e0eee0,#333333,#474747,#aeeeee,#7ccd7c,#bcd2ee,#ee7942,#ffc1c1,#228b22,#454545,#eecbad,#ff83fa,#00ffff,#9e9e9e,#7a7a7a,#ff6a6a,#a52a2a,#f08080,#838b8b,#050505,#eee5de,#cdb38b,#00b2ee,#8b7355,#ffffe0,#a3a3a3,#8b814c,#b5b5b5,#cdc9a5",
    "Decay Item": "scrap",
    "Max Tax Rate (in percent)": 30,
    "Max Tax Rate On Corps (in percent)": 30,
    "Minimum of members needed to claim": 1,
    "RayCast Range (chest/tc)": 15.0,
    "Safelands malus (in percent)": 50,
    "TilesDecayDelay": 60
  "HUD": {
    "HUD Claim Position": {
      "Max": "0.20 0.08",
      "Min": "0.011 0.04"
    "HUD Tax Position": {
      "Max": "0.20 0.09",
      "Min": "0.011 0.05"
    "Map image": {
      "Beancan key": "",
      "Map name": "map.jpg",
      "Use Cutom Map": true
    "Text": {
      "Badlands": "Badland area, take care",
      "Safelands": "Safeland area, you are free here",
      "Wild": "Wild"
  "Options": {
    "GatherDispenserModifiers": {},
    "GatherResourceModifiers": {
      "Wood": 10.0
    "PickupResourceModifiers": {},
    "QuarryResourceModifiers": {},
    "SurveyResourceModifiers": {}
  "PVP": {
    "allowedInBadlands": true,
    "allowedInClaimedLand": true,
    "allowedInSafelands": true,
    "allowedInWilderness": true,
    "DisplayMessage": true,
    "EnablePVP": true,
    "Instant war declaration": true,
    "Lost Tile on TC Destroy": false
  "TruePVE": {
    "Enable": false,
    "RuleSet": {
      "InBadland": "",
      "InClaimedLand": "",
      "InSafeland": ""
  "ZoneDomes": {
    "Enable": true
  "ZoneManager": {
    "Badlands": {
      "DefaultFlags": "",
      "DefaultMessage": {
        "EnterMessage": "",
        "LeaveMessage": ""
    "Claimed": {
      "DefaultFlags": "",
      "DefaultMessage": {
        "EnterMessage": "",
        "LeaveMessage": ""
    "SafeLands": {
      "DefaultFlags": "",
      "DefaultMessage": {
        "EnterMessage": "",
        "LeaveMessage": ""



Syntax: /claimwar declare <tag> declare a war to another clan
Syntax: /claimwar cancel <tag> cancel a war to another clan or ask to cancel a war
Syntax: /claimwar accept <tag> accept a war

Syntax: /claimland set <badland|safeland>
Syntax: /claimland show <tilename> (display information of a tile from A1 to Z26)
Syntax: /claimland list <clantag> (display clan information)
Syntax: /claimland cost (display the cost to claim the land where you stand)
Syntax: /claimland remove (allow owner of clan to remove a claimed land)
Syntax: /claimland give (allow owner of clan to give a claimed land to another clan)
Syntax: /claimland add (allow owner of clan to claim a new land)
Syntax: /claimland upkeep (display the current upkeep costs)
Syntax: /claimland clear (allow admin to reset a zone)


Syntax: /tax chest (allow owner of clan to change/set tax chest)
Syntax: /tax rate <gather|corps> <percent> (allow owner of clan to set tax of a land)


landclaimer.admin (allow admin to set safeland/badland)

landclaimer.canclaim (used to allow player to claim land)

More details

"Claim": {
    "Claim cost": "5,10,25,50",
    "ForceCollapse": false,
    "Upkeep cost": "10,15,25,35,50,65,75,90,105,130,145,175,190,210,230,250,275,300,320,345,380,410"

“Claim cost” => the cost of each new claim, first = 5, second = 10, third = 25, etc….
“ForceCollapse” => If enabled it will force clan owner to claim collapse tile to an already claimed zone they own.
“Upkeep cost” => upkeep cost depending on the amount of owned Tile by clans.

"Control": {
    "Allow All Member To Change Tax": false,
    "Allow All Member To Claim": false,
    "Allow All Member To Give": false,
    "Allow All Member To Remove": false
"General": {
    "Badlands bonus (in percent)": 70,
    "Color List": "#20b2aa,#e0eee0,#333333,#474747,#aeeeee,#7ccd7c,#bcd2ee,#ee7942,#ffc1c1,#228b22,#454545,#eecbad,#ff83fa,#00ffff,#9e9e9e,#7a7a7a,#ff6a6a,#a52a2a,#f08080,#838b8b,#050505,#eee5de,#cdb38b,#00b2ee,#8b7355,#ffffe0,#a3a3a3,#8b814c,#b5b5b5,#cdc9a5",
    "Decay Item": "scrap",
    "Max Tax Rate (in percent)": 30,
    "Max Tax Rate On Corps (in percent)": 30,
    "Minimum of members needed to claim": 1,
    "RayCast Range (chest/tc)": 15.0,
    "Safelands malus (in percent)": 50,
    "TilesDecayDelay": 60

“Badlands bonus (in percent)” => Percent of items you will get in addition while you are in Badlands, Badland can be defined by admin and can’t be claimed, PVP Zone,
“Color List” => Color code used by the plugin to attribute to each clan while claiming.
“Decay Item” => Upkeep decay item (use shortname)
“Max Tax Rate (in percent)” => Tax rate cap that can be set by clan, a player that gather in lands are taxed up to a max of this option.
“Max Tax Rate On Corps (in percent)” => Amount of resources taxed cap when a player dies, remove a part of resources from the dead player inventory.
“RayCast Range (chest/tc)” => Distance from wish you have to be to claim a new zone or set your tax chest
“Safelands malus (in percent)” => Percent of items you will get taxed while you are in SafeLand, SafeLand can be defined by admin and can’t be claimed.
“TilesDecayDelay” => Delay between each upkeep tick.

"HUD": {
  "HUD Claim Position": {
    "Max": "0.20 0.08",
    "Min": "0.011 0.04"
  "HUD Tax Position": {
    "Max": "0.20 0.09",
    "Min": "0.011 0.05"
  "Map image": {
    "Beancan key": "",
    "Map name": "map.jpg",
    "Use Cutom Map": true
  "Text": {
    "Badlands": "Badland area, take care",
    "Safelands": "Safeland area, you are free here",
    "Wild": "Wild"

“HUD Claim Position” => Position at the bottom left UI
“HUD Tax Position” => Position at the bottom left Tax UI
“Map image” => Map parameter

"Text": {
      "Badlands": "Badland area, take care",
      "Safelands": "Safeland area, you are free here",
      "Wild": "Wild"

“Text” => This option defines the default enter message from the badland, safeland, and the wild area.

"PVP": {
    "allowedInBadlands": true,
    "allowedInClaimedLand": true,
    "allowedInSafelands": true,
    "allowedInWilderness": true,
    "DisplayMessage": true,
    "EnablePVP": true,
    "Instant war declaration": true,
    "Lost Tile on TC Destroy": false

“DisplayMessage” => Enable/disable message from being displayed while entering a zone
“EnablePVP” => Enable/Disable completely pvp from of the opposite clan
“Instant war declaration” => If enabled, war declaration doesn’t need to be accepted by the owner
“Lost Tile on TC Destroy” => Remove claimed tile if the TC get destroy when enabled

"TruePVE": {
    "Enable": false,
    "RuleSet": {
      "InBadland": "",
      "InClaimedLand": "",
      "InSafeland": ""

This part is for TruePVE option

"ZoneDomes": {
    "Enable": true

ZoneDomes support, if enabled create domes on each claimed zone.

"ZoneManager": {
    "Badlands": {
      "DefaultFlags": "",
      "DefaultMessage": {
        "EnterMessage": "",
        "LeaveMessage": ""
    "Claimed": {
      "DefaultFlags": "",
      "DefaultMessage": {
        "EnterMessage": "",
        "LeaveMessage": ""
    "SafeLands": {
      "DefaultFlags": "",
      "DefaultMessage": {
        "EnterMessage": "",
        "LeaveMessage": ""

Default Enter/Leave messages of different land and flags.

The map is divided into multiple parts according to the max size of the map.
To claim land you may type /claimland add
To remove a land you claimed you may type /claimland remove
To give land to another clan, you may type /claimland give

You can either know how much it will cost you to claim or see your upkeep with /claimland cost|upkeep (it take your position, don’t need to look at a cupboard)
The upkeep and claim cost are configurable using a config file

An owner can only claim a new land if he meets the members count, depending on your config file
You can list every claimed area from a clan tag using /claimland list <clandTag>

As I said admin can set badland and safeland using /claimland <badland|safeland> (warning to not set safeland/badland if the tile is already claimed
Badland get a bonus on gather and safeland got a malus depending on the config file

Admin can clear a zone

You can set your tax chest on your HQ only
You can set your tax rate

You can use a direct link or local file in your config file for /claimmap

Clan owner can declare war or ask/accept a war surrender

Dependency :

18 reviews for LandClaimer

  1. admin

    Version 1.4.2:
    -Fixed NetworkdID conversion

  2. admin

    Version 1.4.1:
    -Added back War system.
    -Added option to PVP section for the command:

    “HostileCommandDelay (in seconds)”

    /claimland hostile (enable/disable war status)

  3. admin

    Version 1.4.0:
    -Added filter monument method
    -Moved coords calc method to OnServerInitialized
    -Changed config method
    -Fixed decay where clans are losing HQ and Tile at the same time
    -Removed Unused download map method
    -Added Claim section size to config, admin can now change the size of the claimed zone.
    -Removed conflicting war system
    -Massive typo change

  4. admin

    Version 1.3.9:
    -Fixed variable load and spam bug

  5. admin

    Version 1.3.7:
    -Added Economics support
    -Edited code styling

  6. admin

    Version 1.3.4:
    -Added new order for local map download

  7. admin

    Version 1.3.3:
    -Fixed TruePVE
    -Fixed Images Loading process

  8. admin

    Version 1.3.2:
    -Fixed war declaration command
    -Fixed damage and war

  9. admin

    Version 1.3.1:
    -Minor update on the way information is stored in the files.

  10. admin

    Version 1.3.0:
    -Rewritten coordination of the plugin, you should wipe everything before update to this version.
    -Fixed bug with UI display
    -Changed coordination on all UI

  11. admin

    Version 1.2.8/1.2.9:
    -Fixed/Added some missing monument name
    -Added some missing image file

  12. admin

    Version 1.2.7:
    -Added support for RaidableBases
    -Added and changed map icons.

  13. admin

    Version 1.2.6:
    -Fixed nullify damage problem

  14. admin

    Version 1.2.5:
    -Fixed Depecrated OnPlayerDie

  15. admin

    Version 1.2.1:
    -Added NPC check
    -Added Offline clan declaration check

  16. romu romu

    Version 1.1.9 :
    -Updated OnCropGather(PlantEntity plant…) to
    OnGrowableGathered(GrowableEntity entity…)

  17. admin

    Version 1.1.7 :
    -Added ZoneManager support
    -Added ZoneDomes support
    -Fixed several problem
    -Recoded cleaned version
    -Added fresh claim timer

  18. admin

    Version 1.1.4 : -Added support for ZoneDomes
    -Reworked shorter version, removed duplicate code.

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.